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Identity requirements for land registry

Identity requirements for land registry

When someone buys or sells property, it must be ensured that the transactions are carried out in the name of the right person. Conveyancing solicitors are quite particular about satisfying the identity of unrepresented parties to transactions. If land is transferred to the wrong person or under a bogus identity, they may later get entangled in legal hassles involving fraud and criminal activity.

The Land Registration (Amendment) Rules 2008 came into effect on the 10th of

November 2008. It is now required by law that the conveyancing solicitors must certify to the land registry that they are satisfied about the identity of parties involved in the transaction or produce documents to verify the identity.

A land registry employee, a conveyancing or non-conveyancing solicitor, legal executive, barrister, notary public or a registered European lawyer can certify a person’s identity. It is a good idea to check with your land registry first if the person who is going to certify your identity is acceptable for the purpose. Try and get the confirmation in writing from the land registry to avoid future legal hassles.

Applications to the land registry that involve transfer, addition or removal of a charge, granting or surrendering a lease, compulsory first registration, appointing new trustees or the old trustees retiring, and where the true value of the land is more than £5,000, require the identity documents to be produced.

The following items may be used to verify identity:

  • UK, EU, Channel Islands or Isle of Man photocard driving licence. (Current and not provisional)
  • Valid passport

(If any of the below documents are used, two from the list must be produced.)

  • Cheque guarantee card or debit card issued in the UK supported by an original postal statement which is less than 3 months old
  • Current council tax statement
  • Utility bill by post which is less than 3 months old
  • Mortgage statement for the year just ended, received by post
  • Council rent book with the last 3 months rent paid.
  • Shotgun or firearm certificate

Either the conveyancing solicitor or the land registry can certify the documents to verify the individual’s identity. Land registry will certify only those documents submitted in person and only during the time the application for land registration is submitted. Along with the documents, a passport sized photograph that is signed by the conveyancing solicitor or the officials at the land registry must also be procured. Once the documents are certified, they are attached to Form ID1 or ID2 for an individual or corporate body respectively.

Form ID1/2, Form ID1 and Form ID2 are the Forms that must be completed during the application. Forms must be completed and also certified as early as possible. It must be done before the exchange of contracts. While the application is submitted, the forms for all parties involved must be completed and certified. Without the Forms the application will be rejected.  Read more about the forms and where each one is relevant.

Photo courtsy: stevecadman



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